Do you have a hard time slowing down?

Do you often feel overwhelmed by the constant stream of thoughts in your mind? Family drama, work stress, and endless to-do lists can make it hard to find clarity and purpose.

Journaling is a powerful tool to help calm your mind, connect with God, and gain a clearer sense of direction.

Why Journaling is Beneficial...

50% less hospital visits.

Source: Opening Up By Writing it Down, James W. Pennebaker, Phd and and Joshua M. Smyth, Phd.

Improves agency and gratitude.

Source: Huberman Lab

Gives a greater sense of meaning in life.

Source: Opening Up By Writing it Down, James W. Pennebaker, Phd and and Joshua M. Smyth, Phd.

Manages stress and improves memory.

Source: HabitBetter

Journaling doesn't have to feel like homework.

It can become something you crave.

Holy Work Journaling provides a structured approach to journaling that not only helps to calm your mind but also fosters a deeper connection with God.

We walk you through different steps and practices, guiding you to reflect, pray, and listen effectively.

By making journaling a habit, you train your brain to slow down, prioritize what truly matters, and navigate life's challenges with greater peace and focus.

Are you ready to gain a clearer sense of direction and purpose?

What past course attendees are saying:

"I have always loved journaling, but this took it to the next level. I have tools now to help me clear my mind and heart and slow down my thoughts when everything is just going way to fast. Learning to also allow God to speak to me is key, I need to stop talking and just listen."


Elementary School Para, Holy Work Journaling Graduate

"I have been a Christian for a long time, but honestly, I have never slowed down enough to ask God what He wanted to say to me. That was profound.


Cardiologist, Holy Work Journaling Graduate

"Working through the framework helped me to be more cognizant of how many times (daily!) I step up to the threshold and then let the enemy create resistance."


Holy Work Journaling Course Att

"The accountability is my ideal environment and gave me a "why", that supported me doing the journaling. Slowing down my mind was 10000000 % the most significant and valuable part for me. I process so quickly and getting my brain to go at the speed of my hand was life-changing. I felt anxiety that I didn't even know was there melt away."


Creative Director, Holy Work Journaling Graduate

"It was really encouraging for me to go through the course with a group. The freedom I felt to write with no judgement, and no insecurities if I'm doing it correctly or incorrectly. Luke did a great job at providing a framework, structure, and guardrails to encourage me as a writer and feel welcome."


Production Director, Holy Work Journaling Graduate

"Through the Holy Work journaling exercises, I can tangibly see how my thoughts have evolved from selfishness into more selflessness. It helped me recognize the pride in me that was keeping me from asking for help and from allowing myself to be coached."


Holy Work Journaling Course Attendee

Gain the tools and guidance you need...

This is an experiential course where we walk through these transformative exercises together!

  • Work through your surface-level thoughts.

  • Move to the deeper level thoughts of the heart.

  • Work through the deepest level of thought to reset old patterns and replace with new ones.

When we're done with the deep-level thoughts we move to where God is pulling us, the war that comes against it, the wilderness you must work through, and the thresholds you must cross.

The next course will open soon!

Here's a secret, that isn't really a secret:

Becoming a good journaler isn't really the goal.

That's actually a pretty boring goal. The real goal is for you to connect more with the creator of the entire universe and figure out where He is pulling you.

He is pulling you towards the purpose He has had in mind for YOU since He created you in your mothers womb. That's right, God is pulling you towards something He wants to create with you and in you.

His pull might be as simple as more peace in your life, or as complex as making a huge life change. Whatever it is, following that pull takes slowing down enough in our everyday lives to actually listen to His guidance.

That is where this practice of journaling comes in.

It is just like how you use a budget for your money. It isn't about doing a budget for the fun of budgeting, it is about making a plan for your money so you can enjoy it and the things you want.
Journaling is like a budget for your heart, soul and mind.
It helps you slow down enough to find and follow your unique purpose.

Why am I so passionate about this?

Because my life has been changed.

Hi, I'm Luke LeFevre.

Well, if you can find a more naturally restless and discontent person out there than me, I would be impressed. I have a tendency to ALWAYS think the grass is greener somewhere else. I have always been restless in my life, my marriage, my work and in my relationship with God.

In 2010, I became so restless in my marriage I almost left it. I had a bunch of bad habits in my life that almost took us out. I wasn't telling my wife the truth of what I was thinking and feeling, I was holding it all inside and I was ready to leave.
As I contemplated leaving, I had a thought, "If I am willing to get a divorce, I might as well risk telling her the truth of what I am actually thinking and feeling." So, I wrote her a letter and told her everything. I wrote about my doubts, my addictions, stuff from my past I had never told anyone. I even wrote down that I was doubting our marriage.

Then I did something that sounds like a terrible idea.

I read the letter to her.

I thought this was going to ruin our marriage, but something strange happened. She heard me, listened and it actually made our marriage stronger! Yes, it hurt her to hear some of the things I wrote. Yes, I had some messes and addictions to clean up. Yes, we started going to see a counselor to help, but the most profound thing happened.Telling the truth of what I was actually thinking and feeling made our life and marriage better.

As our relationship grew deeper, I started thinking about God. If I told my wife the truth of what I was thinking and feeling and our relationship got better, I wonder what would happen if I started telling God the truth of what I was thinking and feeling.

One morning, I got out a journal and said, "God I have nothing to offer, but I am going to read one chapter of the Bible and then I am just going to write out what I am actually thinking and feeling today." So, I did. I started writing out my actual thoughts and feelings without any kind of filter.

I didn't worry about spelling, grammar, cursing or anything like that. I didn't worry about what my wife, my mom, my dad or my pastor would think. I just wrote what was actually going on.

And I did it 4 or 5 times a week, for a month, then a year, then 5 years, then 10 years and now it has been 14 years and my life has been completely transformed.

But that takes us back to the "Secret" that isn't a "secret".

It isn't about the journaling, the journaling is the practice that slows me down enough to listen, to connect, to wrestle, to confess, to pray, to be grateful, to be corrected and to be guided by the creator of the universe who has some specific things He wants to create with me.He has some things for you as well and building this practice into your life will give him the space to work. It gives you the space to feel where his is pulling and then follow.

And when you follow where God is pulling, get ready because it takes some work, but it is not just any kind of is Holy Work.

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These writings are a regular reminder that you are human, that you have been created by God for a purpose. God has put something inside of you before you were born, He is slowly pulling you towards it and you have what it takes to follow.