A Lot of People (Including Me) Don’t Like This Fact
Finding your purpose is not about finding your “sweet spot” or following your “passion”.
It is about listening to that stirring in your soul, that restlessness in your spirit, and following where you are being pulled.
And in order to follow God’s “Pull” on your life, you will have to let go of the things you hold most dear.
God does have a purpose and a promise land for you. But first, you must break free from your “normal"... and go through some very strong war, and then some very long wilderness in order to find it.
Everyone will look at you like you are crazy, but as CS Lewis says,
“When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind.”
What things are you holding on to so tightly that you can’t let go to where God is pulling?
Abraham was told, “Go from your country, your people and your father’s household.”
Later, he was asked to sacrifice his son to follow.
Everything he held dear, his country, his people, his parents, and eventually his son, was to be given up in order to follow.
Yes, this is intense, especially in our American culture of comfort, but there is no promise of comfort in following God's pull toward your Holy work.
Comfort is the opposite of God's call.
As Os Guinness says, “Even a dead body can float downstream, we must fight the current upstream.”
Where in your life are you choosing comfort over the pull?
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