Kick off 2025 with clarity, focus, and purpose by joining the Holy Work 31-Day Journaling Challenge!
This FREE challenge is designed to help you slow down, reflect, and embrace the new year with intention.
Each day in January, you'll receive a thoughtfully crafted journal prompt straight to your inbox, guiding you to reflect on your day, your goals, and the year ahead.
By participating, you'll not only gain deeper insight into your life and God's direction for you...
You will also be entered into a drawing to WIN a
full year of the Holy Work Daily Subscription
—packed with weekly devotionals and daily prompts to keep you centered all year long, plus access to all the digital courses I put out throughout the year!
Don’t let 2025 start in a blur. Sign up today, commit to journaling daily, and step into the new year with renewed clarity and peace. Let’s do this together—one page at a time.